And, stop being needy, complaining, and playing the victim. If you get into an argument, you need to be a man by gaining control over your emotions (i.e.
Be more assertive, become more authentic, embrace your independence, hone your social skills, bring out your creative side, take the lead at work and elsewhere, get physically fit and healthy.
How to be more masculine in a relationship. You voluntarily hand over control of the relationship to your girl, and she does not want to have it. As a woman, she has lost touch with the natural balance of the feminine and masculine energies. Reflect on the qualities you possess that led you to victory, as well as the ones that made victory more.
For a healthy relationship to flourish, both gender roles need to be present to balance things out. If you win, be a gracious winner. This means that in same sex relationships, there will be someone who is more in their masculine and someone who’s more in their feminine at any point in time.
- if feminine energy is not for you, you can go for a feminine energy man who will complement your masculine energy in the relationship. So, how to be more masculine? A more masculine woman who takes control can be very happy with a more feminine male who is comfortable being the receptive one in the relationship.
The solution to this problem is to shift your feminine/masculine dynamic in the relationship where you, as the woman, embrace more of the feminine pole and he, as the man, starts to embrace more of the masculine pole. More successful in your intimate relationships. You will achieve these things only by leading the two of you out of your current pattern of relating and into the type of relationship that you crave.
When a woman surrenders to her feminine energy she attracts the masculine. True and authentic masculinity requires more than anything, a commitment to virtue and goodness. Joking aside… make him feel needed and important by coming to him with an issue, problem, task or request that only he can resolve.
These roles can obviously be reversed (gives it a good sense of variety that way). Be more assertive, become more authentic, embrace your independence, hone your social skills, bring out your creative side, take the lead at work and elsewhere, get physically fit and healthy. It is in our belief that in any intimate relationship, there are masculine and feminine roles.
Growing up, her mother teaches her to create a masculine mask so that she never becomes too dependent on a man. Shake his hand, look him in the eye, and never gloat. Feminine roles, on the other hand, are generally more sensitive, nurturing and intuitive.
Be calmer, more loving, being patient and understanding, etc) and then guide both you and her back to a more harmonious way of communicating, behaving and treating each other. It is not about imposing your will on others or asserting your own superiority to “one up” others, but making a concerted effort to use your masculine energy in pursuit of a greater good. I see this a lot with many modern, successful women i know.
A masculine partner can become more feminine when they are required to take on the role of caretaker in the relationship, and a feminine partner can become more masculine when they’re tasked with leading the charge in major decisions or confronting stressful situations. And, stop being needy, complaining, and playing the victim. If you get into an argument, you need to be a man by gaining control over your emotions (i.e.
If you�re male, growing more facial hair is an obvious way to appear more masculine. When your relationship polarity becomes too similar, passion dies. In order to live a happy and healthy life, it’s important that each of us cultivate a balance of masculine.
Fortunately, you’re not reading a guide like that. Develop your personal qualities, read, learn new languages, programming, marketing, management, practically anything that is now on a peak. You should be aware of what is happening in the world and ready to solve any problems for the sake of your woman.
When a man embodies his strong masculine energy, he attracts the feminine. Of course, you have to move things forward as a man, provide structure and safety, create polarity in a relationship, and respond with poise instead of reacting. Fuller beards or scruff are generally more masculine than a carefully trimmed style, but like clothing this varies based on context.
Masculine roles are usually strong, aggressive and more logical or analytical. All you’re doing when you “communicate more” is further devaluing yourself. If you want more sex, respect, electricity, fun, and closeness with your partner, and less meaningless bickering.
Meanwhile, her father acts in a dominating way in order to make her feel stronger, further promoting a masculine mask. People of either sex can adopt a shorter, simpler hairstyle, or ask a barber to recommend a more masculine look. A few general ways to be more positively masculine are to:
It all goes downhill from there. It doesn�t have to be particularly challenging, just as long as you can�t resolve it on your own.